The Roberto-Venn School of Luthiery and Thompson Guitar & Thrift announces the first annualPhoenix Guitar Show & Swap Meet from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, November 9 atRoberto-Venn School of Luthiery, 1012 NWGrand Avenue in Phoenix.
This is an open-to-the-public and free event with live music and a parking lot full of guitar builders, gearheads and musicians with handmade instruments, vintage and new guitars and other gear to swap, sell and display.
Roberto-Venn alumni and students will showcase their guitar-building skills with luthiery demonstrations and a display of boutique handmade guitars in their gallery.Stop by to see electric guitars and basses, acoustics, amps, guitar parts and more. There will be free swag at the welcome table, donatedby Premier Guitar, Vintage Guitar Magazine, Guitar World, Guitar Player,and Gretsch Guitars in addition to othergiveaways and surprises.
Courtney Thompson, Event Coordinator and Co-Proprietor of Thompson Guitar & Thrift said this is a great way to bring together the guitar community of Phoenix.
"We've had a tremendous response to this event so far and we plan to keep the momentum going.Phoenix has so many thriving guitar and music-related businesses and the community has been so supportive," Thompson said.
Additionally, the guitar show coincides with the annual Grand Avenue Festival event with art, food trucks, drum parades and more happening all along adjacent Grand Avenue. The guitar show is free and family-friendly.
The Phoenix Guitar Show also aligns with the celebration of Veteran's Day weekend. The Phoenix chapter of nonprofit organization Guitars 4 Vets will be on hand with a fundraising raffle and also will accept guitar donations from thepublic.
For information, visit and follow on Instagram @phoenixguitarshow for more information about the event and featured vendors and exhibitors.
The vendor/exhibitor list currently includes Allred Guitars, Amplified Parts, Bel.sonique, Groves Guitars, Guitars 4 Vets (non-profit), Heat City Vintage, Jam Guitars USA, Lukas Guitars, Muse Custom, Guitars Sacred Fire, Arts Sweet Ass, March, Thompson Guitar & Thrift.