"Carrie," based on the modern classic by Stephen King, with music by Academy Award winner Michael Gore, lyrics by Academy Award winner Dean Pitchford and book by Lawrence D. Cohen (who wrote the screenplay of the Brian de Palma film), tells the tragic story of a misunderstood high school teenager named Carrie White, who has extraordinary telekinetic powers. Terrorized by her oppressive religious fanatic mother and bullied by her classmates, Carrie's violent rampage of revenge remains one of the most terrifying stories of all time.
"Carrie" first premiered on Broadway 25 years ago and, after numerous revisions, was recently revived at the MCC Theatre Off-Broadway. "Carrie's" book writer Lawrence D. Cohen was the guest of honor on opening night and was thrilled with the show.
K-La Rivera, who made her professional stage debut with Atlantis Productions two years ago in "In the Heights," has assumed the role of Carrie, which she had to learn in only six days after the original actress had to withdraw from the production due to illness.
Award-winning musical theater actress Menchu Lauchengco-Yulo plays the Bible bashing mother Margaret White. Markki Stroem plays Tommy; Yanah Laurel plays Sue; Shiela Valderrama-Martinez plays Miss Gardner; Jill Peña plays Chris; Mako Alonso plays Billy and Jamie Wilson plays Mr. Stephens. Joining them in the ensemble are Garie Concepcion, Johann Dela Fuente, Nel Gomez, Lilette Lorenzana, Kim Molina and Bibo Reyes.
"Carrie" features choreography by Cecile Martinez, musical direction by Ceejay Javier, set design by Otto Hernandez, lighting design by Martin Esteva, costume design by Raven Ong, hair and makeup design by Johann dela Fuente, projection design by GA Fallarme, assistant direction by Jamie Wilson and vocal coaching by ManMan Angsico.
"Carrie" continues Atlantis Productions' 14th season, which opened with a hit production of Pam Gems' "Piaf," starring Pinky Amador, followed by a repeat run of "Rock of Ages," and will conclude with the family Broadway musical "The Addams Family," which will star Eula Valdez, Arnel Ignacio and K-La Rivera.
"Carrie" runs until Sunday, October 6. For exact showdates and tickets, call Atlantis Productions at tel. no. (632) 892-7078 or Ticketworld at tel. no. (632) 891-9999.