TUESDAYS WITH MORRIE is the autobiographical story of Mitch Albom, an accomplished journalist driven solely by his career, and Morrie Schwartz, his former college professor. Sixteen years after graduation, Mitch happens to catch Morrie’s appearance on a television news program and learns that his old professor is battling Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Mitch is reunited with Morrie, and what starts as a simple visit turns into a weekly pilgrimage and a last class in the meaning of life.
Dirty Dancing In Concert
Keswick Theatre (1/22 - 1/22) | ||
Linda Eder
Keswick Theatre (3/27 - 3/27) | ||
Agora de la danse: Koros – VR Experience
Annenberg Center Feintuch Family Lobby (1/24 - 1/26) | ||
Come From Away (Non-Equity)
Ensemble Arts [Academy Of Music] (2/4 - 2/9) | ||
Aloha from Vegas!
Fulton Theatre (5/17 - 5/18) | ||
Frozen: The Broadway Musical
Fulton Theatre (11/15 - 12/29) | ||
Negro Ensemble Company: Day of Absence
Penn Live Arts (2/6 - 2/8) | ||
Night Side Songs
Philadelphia Theatre Company (2/21 - 3/9) | ||
The Nursery by Clifford Odets
The Sam Theater at The Flea (9/24 - 9/24) | ||
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