"The Playhouse Merry Little Christmas Concert" is a delightful, hour-long concert featuring a cast of four, singing and dancing up a holiday storm accompanied by a live on-stage band. Songs include "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas", "I'll Be Home for Christmas", "Let It Snow", and "The Best Things Happen While You're Dancing" featuring some spectacular tap dancing for good measure! Filmed live on stage at the Playhouse, the concert will stream from DECEMBER 18 - JANUARY 1 on the cultural arts platform Stellar (StellarTickets.com).
The cast stars Broadway's Danny Gardner ("Dames at Sea"), Emily Larger (National Tour of "Elf The Musical"), Ryan Halsaver (Bucks County Playhouse's "Once" and "Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story") and Mary McNulty (National Tour of "Camelot").
The concert is staged by Lorin Latarro (Broadway's "Waitress" and Bucks County Playhouse's "Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story"), musical direction by Drew Wutke, lighting design by Travis McHale and sound design by Matthew Given. Rachel DelVecchio is stage manager.
Executive Producer Robyn Goodman, Producing Director Alexander Fraser and Producer Josh Fiedler recently announced details on the show, which was created in the style of the floor shows that were presented in the film "Holiday Inn."
"Even though so many traditions have been upended this year, we are excited to be able to bring performing artists together in a safe environment and create this all-new concert inspired by the mid-century holiday entertainments from stage and screen," says Alexander Fraser, Producing Director.
Tickets to the streaming performances of "A Playhouse Merry Little Christmas" are $20 and are available at StellarTickets.com. For complete details, please visit BucksCountyPlayhouse.org or call 215-862-2121.
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