In New York City in the 1960s, an ambitious accountant named Chuck Baxter lends out his apartment to his supervisors, who need a discreet place for illicit afternoon rendezvous. Miserable and exploited, Chuck finds a beacon of hope in coworker Fran, who is trapped in a romantic predicament of her own. The bittersweet romantic comedy features a groundbreaking contemporary score from composer Burt Bacharach. The score includes the blockbuster hit “I’ll Never Fall In Love Again,” plus “Knowing When To Leave,” “Turkey Lurkey Time,” “Whoever You Are,” and the title song.
Year | Category | |
1969 | Best Musical |
Forge Theatre is at 241 First Ave, Phoenixville, PA.
It’s a Wonderful Life -a Live Radio Play (12/6/24-12/22/24)
Alice By Heart (7/19/24-7/26/24)
Priscilla Queen of the Desert (6/7/24-6/23/24)
The Holiday Channel Christmas Movie Wonderthon (12/1/23-12/17/23)
Once upon a Mattress (9/15/23-10/1/23)
The Lightning Thief (7/23/23-7/25/23)
Godspell-2012 Revised Version (6/2/23-6/25/23)
Godspell (6/2/23-6/25/23)
Hate Mail (2/24/23-3/12/23)
Something Rotten! (9/9/22-10/2/22)
Linda Eder
Keswick Theatre (3/27 - 3/27) | ||
Aloha from Vegas!
Fulton Theatre (5/17 - 5/18) | ||
The Nursery by Clifford Odets
The Sam Theater at The Flea (9/24 - 9/24) | ||
Mali Obomsawin Quartet
Penn Live Arts (1/26 - 1/26) | ||
An American Christmas Songbook
Bristol Riverside Theatre (12/11 - 12/22) | ||
Benjamin Bagby & Sequentia: Gregorius – The Holy Sinner
Penn Live Arts (1/30 - 1/30) | ||
Promises, Promises
Forge Theatre (6/6 - 6/22) | ||
A Beautiful Noise
Forrest Theatre (12/10 - 12/22) | ||
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