"Hello, Dolly!", the beloved ten-time Tony Award-winning musical by Jerry Herman and Michael Stewart, follows widowed matchmaker Dolly Levi as she stirs up romance and adventure and schemes to create a new life and find love. Presented by Neshaminy Valley Music Theatre, the region’s three-time International Music and Entertainment Association Award-winning theater company, with a cast of community members from throughout the Delaware Valley.
Fridays, March 31 and April 7 at 8:00 p.m.; Saturdays April 1 and 8 at 3:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.; and Sunday April 2 at 3:00 p.m.
Neshaminy High School’s Theodore Kloos Auditorium, 2001 Old Lincoln Hwy., Langhorne, PA
Tickets: In advance, $20 general admission, $18 seniors, $10 for 18 and under; additional $2 at the door; $16 for groups of 15 or more (arranged in advance). Available at nvmt.org (through PayPal), email nvmt@verizon.net, or call 267-733-8876. Any ticket good for any seat at any performance with Flex Tix.
Ages: Suitable for all ages; great for the whole family.
Dirty Dancing In Concert
Keswick Theatre (1/22 - 1/22) | ||
Linda Eder
Keswick Theatre (3/27 - 3/27) | ||
Fulton Theatre (6/13 - 7/20) | ||
Kiss Me, Kate
Quintessence Theatre (11/27 - 1/5)
| ||
Shemekia Copeland
Penn Live Arts (2/7 - 2/7) | ||
& Juliet
Ensemble Arts [Academy Of Music] (3/25 - 4/6) | ||
A Christmas Carol
Fulton Theatre (11/30 - 12/28) | ||
RUBBERBAND: Reckless Underdog
Penn Live Arts (2/14 - 2/15) | ||
Anastasia: The Musical
Fulton Theatre (4/11 - 5/11) | ||
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