York Little Theatre is holding auditions on February 22 and 23, for their upcoming production of the children's classic Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, which runs May 14 - 23, 2010.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is based on the Lewis Carroll classic book which tells the story of Alice, a young girl who falls down a rabbit hole and is trapped in a world of bizarre creatures and fanciful adventures.
Auditions for actors of all ages will be held beginning at 6:30 p.m. and will require reading a short scene from the script. Please come dress comfortably and bring all known conflicts through the months of February through April. Appointments are not required, but are recommended and may be obtained by calling 717-854-3894 or email info@ylt.org. More information about these and other auditions at YLT can be found at www.ylt.org.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is part of York Little Theatre's rabbittransit children's series and is sponsored by Fulton Bank.
York Little Theatre is a nonprofit community theatre which values and nurtures the irreplaceable role of the arts and is dedicated to engaging and enriching its entire, diverse community in the dramatic arts through a broad range of professionally directed, entertaining, stimulating, and sometimes provocative performances.
York Little Theatre is located at 27 South Belmont Street, York PA at exit 19A of I-83, just south of Market Street. York Little Theatre is a proud member of The Cultural Alliance of York.