Performing Arts Classes MONTGOMERY COUNTY CULTURAL CENTER AND YMCA STRONG PROGRAM Are sponsoring theater and dance classes....
This program covers theater and choreography. Students will have activities in improvisation, mime, auditioning skills, character development, script reading, and makeup. They will also have opportunities to act using dance and movement on stage. Past students will have the opportunity to explore their acting in more depth. This class taught by master teachers who are theater specialists. Fee: Tuition for these classes is $110. Pay Plans available
Fall Session: October 3, 2009 -December 5th - 10 sessions
Call 610-279-1013
theatreclassStrong Theater: Students will explore how to communicate a play and characters through movement and song, and work on character development, basic theater exercises and improvisation skills, and healthy vocal techniques, as they study acting in preparation for on-stage roles. Ages 6 - 14
Dance ClassCreative Dance: Dance basics and choreography for musical theatrical productions.Location: Montgomery County Cultural Center,
208 DeKalb Street, Norristown, PA 19401
Day: Thursdays 6 - 8 PM
Fee: Tuition for these classes is $50.
Pay Plans available
Registration still available for these classes.
Call 610-279-1013