The Bacon Brothers, a musical duo made up of film and stage actor Kevin Bacon and his brother Michael, will take to the stage in a fundraising effort at Philadelphia's Colonial Theatre on October 10. The evening will raise funds for the theatre as well as for the French and Pickering Creeks Conservation Trust.
According to press notes, the event will "feature opportunities to meet the brothers during their pre-concert sound check and at the post-performance dessert reception."
The musical evening is slated to begin at 8pm.
For tickets and more information, please visit
Teamed with his older brother Michael, Bacon is one half of The Bacon Brothers, a successful band with a sound they describe as Forosoco (a combination of folk, rock, soul and country), which was also the title of their debut CD. The Bacon Brothers have since recorded three more CDs and also released a concert CD. At the 2007 Sundance Film Festival, Bacon launched, a new web site that encourages online donations to a variety of worthwhile causes, creating a philanthropic social network.