Touch Me Philly Productions LLC. and Light Thief Prodcutions LLC present SINema After Hours: April Ghouls Edition at Walking Fish Theatre April 10th, 11th, and 12th at 11:00 PM.
Tantalizing Tales of Terror and Titillation - Horror, Comedy & Other Adult Themed Films Presented at Walking Fish Theatre from Touch Me Philly in collaboration with Light Thief Productions. Hosted by Stabigail & Cadavera - The Terrible Twosome of Touch Me Philly - Philadelphia's ONLY live (well, undead) Horror Hosting Team!! Each edition brings you a new batch of films. Hold onto your hats boils and ghouls, it's gonna be a SINtillating good time!
In February Stabigail & Cadavera had a special guest! After watching "Honeymoon with the Devil," a film about his conception, The Terrible Twosome welcomed the infant son of Satan to their crypt! When his mother failed to pick him up, Cadavera took it upon herself to adopt him. What sort of hi-jinx will they get into this time?!? Stabigail, missing the lime light, and feeling like hosting can't satisfy her anymore, has decided she needs to get back into acting! Surely no complications could arise from the fact that she's undead!THE APRIL FILMS:
"The Cold Eyes of Death" from Filmiracle Productions
"Raptor" from Broken Brain Pictures
"Boom Boom Dolls: Part 1" from S&N Films LLC
"On The Lam" from Playhouse West.
"Knock Knock" from Katharine McManus
"Matzoh Ball" from Four Comics Productions in association with Small Basket Studios