The Drama Group's fall show is "The Winter's Tale" by William Shakespeare, directed by Denise Brunker. Performances are Fridayand Saturday evenings, November 10 to 25, at 8:00, in Pilling Hall at The First United Methodist Church of Germantown, 6001 Germantown Avenue, between High Street and Walnut Lane.
There's a jealous king, an wrongly accused queen, a banished friend, an abandoned infant rescued and raised by kindly shepherds. There are elements of comedy, tragedy and fantasy, of love, loss, obsession, jealousy and redemption. Add some travelers in disguise, one very life-like statue and even a bear - yes, a bear - and you have this fairy tale-like yarn that is really all about family. It's one of Shakespeare's last and most curiously fascinating plays.
The cast of "The Winter's Tale" includes Denise Brunker, David DelBianco, Miller Gentry-Sharp, Kimberly Hess, Nick Lutwyche, Andrew Maksymowych, Brenna McBride, Bradley W. Moore, Mort Paterson, Raina Searles, Sicily Stump, Robert Toczak, and Russ Walsh.
Tickets for "The Winter's Tale" are $15.00 ($10.00 for students with ID and Drama Group Members) and can be purchased at the door. On opening night, Friday, November 10, every ticket purchased will admit two people. There will be a post-show discussion following the performance on Friday, November 17.
The Drama Group has been presenting theatre in the Germantown community of Northwest Philadelphia since 1980. For more information about "The Winter's Tales" and The Drama Group, go to or "like" The Drama Group on Facebook.