Comedian Ron "Tater Salad" White, best known as the cigar smoking, scotch drinking funnyman from the "Blue Collar Comedy" phenomenon returns to Hershey with his new stand-up show, Moral Compass. He'll bring the laughs on Saturday, October 27 at 7 p.m.
Tickets for this show are $46.75 and $56.75 (processing fees apply and there is an eight-ticket limit). Tickets are available at Hershey Theatre Box Office, they can be charged by phone at 717-534-3405 or online at or
White has achieved two Grammy nominations, a Gold Record, two of the top rated one-hour specials in Comedy Central history, a book that appeared on the New York Times Best Seller List, and CD and DVD sales of over 10 million units.
Please note, this is for mature audiences.
For more information, visit his website at