Roll Play: An Improvised Adventure, returns to CSz Philadelphia for a third engagement! This highly interactive show combines the magic and fantasy of Dungeons & Dragons with the spontaneous hilarity of live improv comedy. Roll Play runs Fridays in February (1, 8, 15) at 8PM. Roll Play is presented by CSz Philadelphia - Home of ComedySportz. All shows take place at CSz Philadelphia at The Adrienne, 2030 Sansom Street, Philadelphia PA 19103. Tickets are $15 and are available at the door or online at
Roll Play is a comedic fantasy epic made up entirely on the spot. Guided by a mysterious Dungeon Master, the audience helps craft the world and its characters while dice rolls decide their fate. Join our heroes as they face mythical monsters, strange spells, ridiculous riddles, and more! Every show is a brand new adventure!
"There's this awesome sense of wonder and camaraderie when you play role-playing games with your friends," says Roll Play founder Josh Holober-Ward. "We wanted to translate that feeling to the stage and let an audience in on the process. These fantasy stories get so wild and ridiculous, and giving the audience so much say in what happens makes the whole experience feel truly collaborative and special. It's not just our story, it's YOUR story."
Another aspect that sets the show apart is its sheer production value. While most improv shows go for a sparse feel, Roll Play goes all out to draw you into the experience- actors are in full costume, dressed as wizards, knights, and hooded figures. On the backdrop, an enormous 20-sided die is projected and rolled in real time for all to witness. Lighting effects, adaptive music tracks, and flickering candles all change depending on the location while fog pours out of black cauldrons. These combined elements create a captivatingly immersive atmosphere- something not often seen in the genre of improv comedy.
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