The 2014 Zelda Fichandler award offers an unrestricted grant of $5000 to an outstanding director or choreographer who is making an exceptional contribution to the arts landscape through theatre work in the Eastern U.S. Directors living and working in Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, Washington D.C., West Virginia are eligible.
With this award, SDCF celebrates significant achievement in the field, singular creativity and artistry, and a deep investment in a particular region. This award is not for lifetime achievement; the intent is to honor an artist for both accomplishment to date and promise for the future.
The Fichandler Award is given regionally in the Western, Central, and Eastern United States on a rotating basis. Past awardees, in order of award, are Jonathan Moscone (Orinda, California), Michael Halberstam (Glencoe, Illinois), Blanka Zizka (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), Bill Rauch (Ashland, Oregon), and Charles Newell (Chicago, Illinois).
Nominations will be accepted from all sources through June 30, 2014. Nominators need not be SDC Members. Late nominations and self-nominations will not be accepted. A short nomination form is available at (see Fichandler Award under Recognition and Advocacy). Completed nomination forms should be sent to In September, a selection committee of professional directors and choreographers will select The Zelda Fichandler Award Recipient from nominated artists. The Award will be presented in November 2014.
Please direct any questions to Ellen Rusconi at