Missing Bolts Productions is providing Philadelphians an exclusive opportunity to experience the private and historic Racquet Club of Philadelphia during their upcoming production of "rail." The immersive theatrical experience will play at the Club from September 20 through September 27, 2019, part of the FringeArts Festival. Press are invited to review on September 20 at 7:30PM.
Written and co-directed by Zac Kline, co-directed by Rachel Dart, and featuring performers Emilie Krause and Harry Watermeier, rail. will be staged in the 100-year-old Racquets court inside the members-only confines of The Racquet Club of Philadelphia. Non-members will be given exclusive access to attend this limited run, a rare opportunity for those who have ever wanted to experience the building.
rail. is a play about the cyclical nature of relationships in our lives and the ways we struggle to break free from past events to forge new paths. Sarah, a therapist and former championship squash player, is stuck in a cycle of rotating men in her life, all played by the same actor. She must decide how to break the cycle and find her most singular life.
Tickets will be on sale via FringeArts in August via their website, https://fringearts.com/programs/fringe-festival/. Tickets are $16.