Based on the classic animated film in which a humorous genie assists the young Aladdin in his adventurous quest in which he meets up with the beautiful Princess Jasmine, the score features Grammy and Oscar winning songs like "A Whole New World" and "Friend Like Me".
A downtrodden and lovelorn Aladdin meets up with an eccentric and hilarious Genie in this upbeat tale of wishes, magic carpet rides, and a power-hungry official trying to stop the proceedings. It's a perfect show for ages 4 and up, with colorful costumes and video graphics to delight and spur the young audience's imagination. Adults will enjoy it, too, as they remember the hugely popular animated film they may have seen years ago.
The cast of Disney's "Aladdin Jr" is :
Aladdin....Gianni Palmarini/ Thomas Lock (double cast)
Princess Jasmine...Veronica Garrubbo/ Emily Kinka (double cast)
The Genie....Denzel Thomas
Narrators....Hannah Brady, Elaina Fitzgerald, Justin Fitzgerald, Bridget Henry, Sean O' Neill, Emily Smith, Mary Kate Vink, Violet Wiley
Jafar...Roger Ricker
Iago, The Parrot....Ben Pedersen/ Tim Woodward (double cast)
The Sultan...Henry O' Neill
Razoul....Lars Halldin
Abu, the Monkey....Aiden Fox/ Gabe Palmarini (double cast)
Three Princes....Josh Atkinson, Scott Bradbury, Alex Pollard
Guards....Holden Dubach, Danny Pedersen
Magic Carpet...Terry Stein
Ensemble...Miranda Fitzgerald, Mary Layne, Alexsa McKeown, Madison Vassilakopoulos, Roya Wolcott
For tickets, call 610-891-0100 or visit Group rates available.