"Dogfight" takes place in 1963 focusing on three young marines on the eve of their deployment. During their final night of partying in the States Corporal Eddie Birdlace meets Rose, an awkward and idealistic waitress who he enlists to win a cruel bet with his buddies. But Rose turns the tables and brings the power of love and compassion to Eddie's life. Inspiring with a score that is hauntingly beautiful, "Dogfight" is memorable with its charming soul.
Zack Krajnyak, who played the lead role of Sam in "Ghost" at Media Theatre last season, returns to play Eddie Birdlace in this production directed by Jesse Cline. Victoria Mayo, who delighted audiences in "Hairspray", takes on the role of Rose.
Others in the cast include Kyle Segarra as Bernstein, Jake Glassman as Fector, Glenn Britton as Gibbs, Michael Wessels as Stevens, and Joe Pudetti as Boland. Deborah Lynn Meier is Marcy, with Sarah Gafgen as Ruth Two Bears and Kaitlin Davis as Mom. JP Dunphy takes on the role of The Lounge Singer, and CJ Celeiro, Krystina Hawkinson, Alyssa Orapallo, Andrew Ruggieri, and Ashley Sweetman make up the ensemble.
"Dogfight: The Musical" is at The Media Theatre March 9-27. There are matinees on Saturdays and Sundays, with evening performances on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. (One weekday matinee Thursday March 10.)
For tickets call 610-891-0100 or visit mediatheatre.org