The line-up for the 2011 Philadelphia Live Arts Festival, to run September 2-17, has been announced. Running in conjunction with the Philly Fringe, the annual festival is a 16-day explosion of wild creativity and daring performances. From local pioneers to international legends, it is a once-a-year chance to see the newest and most thrilling theater, dance and musical performances.
Highlights will include the world premiere of The Devil and Mister Punch by London-based company, Improbable; the acrobatic show Traces by Montreal's 7 Fingers; Thaddeus Phillips / Lucidity Suitcase Intercontinental's WHaLE OPTICS; Pig Iron Theatre Company's production of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night; Swim Pony Performing Arts' Lady M, an all-female version of Macbeth; and Elephant Room, written by Trey Lyford and Geoff Sobelle with Steve Cuiffo.Philadelphia Live Arts Festival tickets will be available for online purchase beginning in mid-June at, or after Monday, August 22 for phone and walk-up sales at the Box Office at (215) 413-1318. Philly Fringe tickets will go on sale online in July. The 2011 Festival Box Office will be located at the Prince Music Theater at 1412 Chestnut Street.
The Philadelphia Live Arts Festival and Philly Fringe is an internationally recognized presenter of performing arts. Supporting the work of a broad array of performing artists from Philadelphia and around the world, the organization produces two concurrent sixteen-day festivals each September in venues throughout Philadelphia. The 15th annual Philadelphia Live Arts Festival and Philly Fringe runs from September 2-17, 2011.
A collection of the world's best contemporary performing artists energize Philadelphia audiences each year during the Philadelphia Live Arts Festival. Selected by Nick Stuccio, the Festival's Producing Director, about half of these artists are based in Philadelphia, while others come in from across the globe. The mission of the Philadelphia Live Arts Festival is to commission, develop, and present a wide range of the latest cutting-edge, high-quality performance. ABOUT PHILLY FRINGEPhilly Fringe is an unfiltered festival, where new and established artists present their work free of a selection process. For some, participating in the Festival is a once-a-year or once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to create a show; for the many professional companies participating, it can be an opportunity to work through new concepts and ideas and join the fray.