In the first installment of this season's Scholars: In Conversation series, Moore College of Art & Design president and arts thought leader Cecelia Fitzgibbon and Lantern artistic director Charles McMahon will address the nature of leadership and the relationship between great leaders and their citizens, both in Shakespeare's history and in the modern world.
"The Transformational Power of Leadership" with Cecelia Fitzgibbon and Charles McMahon is set for Lantern Theater tonight, March 25, 2013, from 7 to 8:30pm.
Prior to being named the eighth president of the Moore College of Art & Design, Fitzgibbon spent 16 years as a professor, director, and department head of Drexel University's Arts Administration and Arts & Entertainment Enterprise programs. McMahon, founding artistic director of the Lantern and director of Henry V, is a Shakespeare aficionado who has directed all but one of the Lantern's Shakespeare productions over the past 16 years.
Presented in conjunction with Henry V, this moderated discussion series will introduce the powerful themes of Shakespeare's play as a catalyst to explore modern issues of leadership, politics, and how war stories shape national identity. Each discussion will be followed by a Q&A with the audience, moderated by Lantern associate artistic director Kathryn MacMillan.
Tickets are $10; Lantern Subscribers, Seniors, Students, US Military: $8. Discounts available for groups of 10 or more.
For more information and to purchase tickets, click HERE.