PRiMA Theatre launches the Lancaster premiere of Big Fish, a heartwarming musical based on the major motion picture. It's a family musical about fatherhood, heroism, and experiencing life lived in full bloom. Based on the acclaimed Columbia Pictures film directed by Tim Burton,Big Fish centers on Edward Bloom, a traveling salesman who lives life to its fullest...and then some! Edward's incredible, larger-than-life stories thrill everyone around him. But their son Will, about to have a child of his own, is determined to find the truth behind his father's epic tales.
Overflowing with heart, humor and stagecraft, Big Fish is an extraordinary musical that reminds us why we love theatre - for an experience that's richer, funnier and BIGGER than life itself. One reviewer called it "the first show in years everyone will love."
The show is produced by PRiMA Theatre, directed by Mitch Nugent and Irving Gonzalez. Leading cast members include some of the finest professional performers in the area, including Ray Hilton as Edward Bloom, Nathan Goodrich as Will Bloom, and Stephanie Holden as Sandra Templeton.
BIG FISH takes the stage September 23, 25, October 2, 7pm .
Tickets are available at or 717.327.5124.