Forever Dog Productions will bring its first full-length theatrical production, the dark comedy/fantasy "Dream Date," to the 2013 Philadelphia Fringe Festival for four shows. "Dream Date" will play at the Vox Populi Gallery (319 North 11th Street) on Friday September 20 and Saturday September 21 at 5:30 and 9:30pm.
Synopsis of "Dream Date": One thousand years after the collapse of the American empire, an evil wizard named Todd lords over a remote island in the Gulf of Mexico, sadistically orchestrating the rules of his house and the lives of his wife and son, while forcing a deformed jester to carry the burden of his memories. But Todd's authority is finally threatened when a recently divorced pirate and his shipmates wash up on the shores of the island on Thanksgiving Day, bringing with them the possibility of freedom. The furious power struggle that follows thrusts the inhabitants of the island into an unstable dreamworld where the secrets of the past will be revealed and the rules of the future determined. Loosely inspired by Shakespeare's Tempest, "Dream Date" is a dark comic fantasia that gives new meaning to the new world. (Running Time: 65 mins)
"Dream Date" premiered on November 29, 2012 at the Red Room Theatre in New York City and then returned to the stage Fall 2013, playing the Chicago Fringe Festival and now the Philadelphia Fringe Festival. For more information about the show, including production photos, check out Forever Dog Production's official website:
"Dream Date" is an original play written by Brett Boham, a Los Angeles based writer whose plays have received productions and staged readings in Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Riverside, CA. The Philadelphia Fringe production will be directed by Joe Cilio and Alex Ramsey, and will star Andrew Block, Allison Brown, Alex Ramsey, Joe Cilio, Charlie Walden, and Ivy Malone. Most of the actors involved in this production are students at NYU-Tisch.
Based in New York and Los Angeles, Forever Dog Productions is a group of writers, directors, and performers dedicated to creating unique comedic entertainment in multiple mediums, including film, theater, and podcasts. After forming in Summer 2012, they have already produced several short films, podcasts, and theatrical productions. "Dream Date" is Forever Dog's first full-length play.