COMEDYSPORTZ, Philadelphia's longest running comedy show, announces the return of its annual New Year's Eve show ComedySportz New Year's Improvin' Eve 2013 (Monday, December 31 @ 7:30 and 10PM). The show takes place at The Playground at The Adrienne located at 2030 Sansom Street. Tickets can be purchased online at or at the door.
Celebrate New Year's with ComedySportz! At ComedySportz New Year's Improvin' Eve we pull out all the stops: hilarious new games, free pizza and drinks for fans, Auld Lang Syne in gibberish and yes, even Baby New Year. It's one of our most popular shows of the year.
We offer two shows: 7:30 and 10:30 PM. Come to the 7:30 show with your kids and celebrate New Year's in Brazil! Or, bring your group of friends to the 10:30 show and ring in 2013 with the rest of Philly. We'll even give you a glass of sparkling cider to toast the New Year.
Start the New Year off with a laugh at ComedySportz New Year's Improvin' Eve 2013!