The Magrath sisters, Lenny, Meg, and Babe, are reunited at their family home in Hazlehurst Mississippi after Babe shoots her husband. Each one is facing down her own demons, past and present.
Lenny cares for the grandfather who raised her as he dies, Meg grapples with dreams that didn't come true, and Babe squares off against an abusive spouse. It's a portrait of a dysfunctional family, but Beth Henley's Pulitzer prize winning play finds laughter within tragedy.
Previews November 15, 16
Opening night November 17
Closing December 9
**Thursdays Fridays and Saturdays at 8pm
**Industry night Monday November 20 at 8pm
**Added Wednesday December 6 at 8pm
(Please note: no show Thanksgiving Thursday November 23)
Curio Theatre Company, 4740 Baltimore Avenue, Philadelphia PA 19143, 215-921-8243.