While on a business trip to Cambodia, Bill, a middle-management flunky, finds himself at a brothel filled with underage prostitutes and, in a stroke of out-of-character benevolence, he negotiates with Kaliyan, the incessant madam, to free one of the girls by buying her. Meanwhile, Lakshmi, his self-absorbed, socially inept business associate is left to run meetings on her own and she has no qualms about saying anything to close a business deal. Cara, another American staying at the same hotel, is hoping that the difficult and expensive adoption of a Cambodian baby will help save her failing marriage.
This world premiere production of Eric Pfeffinger's Some Other Kind of Person stars David Ingram, who precisely masters the bumbling and hapless Bill; Bi Jean Ngo, who conveys as much with her eyes as she does with her words in creating the role of Kaliyan; and Nandita Shenoy in her spot-on casual inappropriateness to portray Lakshmi.
Infused with surprising humor, Some Other Kind of Person takes a smart, thought-provoking look at foreign labor outsourcing, Cambodia's underage sex trade, multinational adoptions and misguided American intentions. Directed by Paul Meshejian, Interact Theatre Company's production is pungent, funny and well-done.
Performances of Some Other Kind of Person by InterAct Theater Company run through June 23. For tickets and more information, visit http://interacttheatre.org.
Photo Credit: Interact Theatre Company