This production is positively one of their best! Yes, I'm guilty of saying this way too often, but the BIG sell is the outstanding casting and excellent direction by Keith Baker. "Mel Brooks created a show with a remarkable and hilarious book, songs that move the story along and an attitude of complete irreverence. He is an equal opportunity offender....we are left to laugh and marvel at how he gets away with it...ending with a will to survive and true friendship."
Bristol's bumbling producers Bialystock and Bloom are bring-down-the-house fun to watch from beginning to end. Danny Rutigliano simply put dazzles as Bialystock never missing a line or a laugh. His reluctantly insecure accountant Bloom played by newcomer to Bristol Michael Doherty is beyond adorable and talented with a killer voice and dance moves to wow the crowd. The two are a well oiled unstoppable pair of ill-fated lovable scoundrels. The role of Ulla played by Nicol Benoit is a beautiful bombshell of over the top cute naughtiness. The down on their luck producers scheme to fashion a sure to lose production and employee the most outrageously off the charts cohorts Danny Vaccaro ( Director Roger DeBris) and Morgan Reynolds ("personal assistant",Carmin Ghia). Vaccaro also leads the cast as dance captain and commands the role as a hilarious Hitler. Reynolds flits and flutters about much to the delight of everyone.
The standout role of the evening goes to Fred Inkley as the larger than life Nazi Franz Liebkind. Inkley, whose legacy as Les Miserables's Valjean is commandingly comedic and draws a roar from the curtain call. Linda Bee Stockton's costume designs are outrageously fun and Charles Morgan's sets are impressive, easily interchangeable and well suit this madcap musical.
Photos: Courtesty Bristol Riverside Theater
THE PRODUCERS play at the Bristol Riverside Theatre, 120 Radcliffe Street, Bristol Pa from March 8 to April 1. For tickets and more information 215-785-0100 or
THE MILL STREET CANTINA is exactly the place you might find Bialystock and Bloom hiding out to enjoy Mexican-styled eats and many hand crafted margaritas. This intimate, eclectic corner bistro opens at 10 am serving Mexican-themed brunch to late night drinks to 2 am. We enjoyed chatting with long-time manager Chris as well as devoured delicious chicken quesadillas and fajitas. Their menu also features soup and salad
plates, tacos, burritos and Chimichangas. There are even vegetarian selections. All served up by a friendly staff. The Mill Street Cantina is located at 101 Mill St. Bristol Pa 19007. 215.788.0969.