B. Someday Productions and Walking Fish Burlesque present a new comedy, THE END OF THE WORLD – A BURLESQUE COMEDY! By Emily Courier and directed by Stan Heleva. The show runs April 18 to 22, 2012 at Walking Fish Theatre, 2509 Frankford Avenue, Philadelphia. Tickets are $18, and can be purchased online and at the door.
It's the Apocalypse 2012. You find yourself in the slightly off-klter town of Kenzoville, and chaos ensues! Girls gone Wild! Feral Even! Parties like it's 1999! But the intrepid news team at KNZO-TV are braving the storms, looters and hippy cults to bring you live coverage of the end of the world. Watch as the weather girl gets blown away! See wild women chase men down in the street and steal their jeans, watch a can of Spam open itself! And that's just some of the fun! Get to Walking Fish now, before a meteor crashes your head!
All shows are at 8pm and all tickets are $18.
THE END OF THE WORLD – A BURLESQUE COMEDY stars Michelle Pauls and Ed Miller as local newscasters reporting on the end of the world in Kenzoville; High Dramma's Jason Singer as Gi Joe; Burlesque dancers Melissa Bang-Bang, Cherry Bomb and Cookie Cutter as various characters such as stoner chicks, cult members and weather girls.