B. Someday Productions presents the final show of its season, SUBURBAN MOTEL – two plays in repertory by Canadian playwright, George F Walker. The plays, FEATURING LORETTA and THE END OF CIVILIZATION will play the entire month of June at Walking Fish Theatre. This is the most ambitious and largest production the "scrappy" B. Someday theatre company has undertaken. Dates for the entire production run today, June 3 through June 30, 2012.
B. Someday Productions brings the entire cycle of SUBURBAN MOTEL to its theatre home, Walking Fish Theatre, two plays at a time. It will begin in June 2012 with the two plays FEATURING LORETTA and THE END OF CIVILIZATION, both directed by B. Someday Co-Artistic Director, Stan Heleva, and starring Co-Artistic Director, Michelle Pauls, along with six additional actors.
FEATURING LORETTA. Loretta is young, beautiful and in need of a lot of money. Enter Michael, aspiring pornographer who wants to hire her. But Dave wants to protect Loretta, or maybe star in the film with her. Then there's Sophie, whose ex-KGB father runs the motel. She wants to change Loretta's mind. What will Lorrie do? Actors: Jody Gross, Sean Close, james Kiesel, and Gina Martino.
THE END OF CIVILISATION. Henry needs a job. Lily, his wife wants to help him find one. But Sandy, the neighbor, has plans to help Lily make some big, fast cash. Here come Max and Donny, two cops on the case. Why do all the factories that Henry applies to blow up? Murder, mystery and kooky mayhem! Actors: Michelle Pauls, Kenneth John McGregor, Steve Wright, Brian Anthony Wilson, and Gina Martino.
Director Stan Heleva is the producing artistic director of B. Someday Productions. Previous directing credits for B. Someday include MISTAKEN CHARITY (May 2011), THE GOOD PUPPET OF SZECHWAN (November 2010), ENTERTAINING MR SLOANE (September 2009), ADVENTURES IN THE SKIN TRADE (April 2009), and more.
George F Walker, playwright, was a taxi driver when he heard that the Factory Theatre in Toronto was looking for new authors. He sent them his first script, The Prince of Naples and the company performed it in 1972. Since then, the Factory has performed most of his plays, including remounts. One of the actors involved in the B. Someday production of Suburban Motel, worked with George F Walker in Toronto on his production. This actor has reconnected with the playwright, serving as a connector between the Canadian and Kensington productions. These plays speak to something in the pulse of Kensington and Philadelphia. There are no pretentions about these characters-they exist to make the best of their lives with the hand they were dealt– an experience that is strikingly similar to that of Kensington inhabitants today. This profound relationship between the themes in Suburban Motel and the realities of living in the community where the play is being produced provides an important opportunity for B. Someday Productions to advance understanding for the struggles and opportunities of life in one of Philadelphia's most challenging neighborhoods.
B. Someday Productions, a 501.c.(3) non-profit theatre-arts corporation, is a small independent producing and presenting theatre company, producing mainstage shows and cabaret productions, educational outreach programs, co-producing comedy, community and family theatre programs. B. Someday was honored with its first Barrymore Award for its outreach program, Of Mythic Proportions in 2010.
Established in 2007, Walking Fish Theatre, home to B. Someday Productions, is located in Kensington, on the Frankford Avenue Corridor of the Arts in Philadelphia. B. Someday is committed, within its community and beyond, to bringing and creating art on the Frankford Avenue Arts Corridor.
B. Someday Productions uses theatre, literature and myth to bring together artists and the community through the magic of live theatre. To that end, B. Someday celebrates tradition while renewing the creative process through producing theatre--original, adaptation and in existence--providing educational programs and operating the Walking Fish Theatre.
Ticket prices are $20.00 for a single show and $30.00 for both. Walking Fish Theatre is located at 2509 Frankford Avenue, Philadelphia PA 19125. Tickets can be purchased online at www.walkingfishtheatre.com at no extra charge for the purchaser, or at the door.
Show dates and times:
June 3rd 4pm Featuring Loretta (Preview)
June 7th 8pm End of Civilization (Preview)
June 8th 8pm End of Civilization OPENING NIGHT
June 9th 6pm End of Civilization, 8pm Featuring Loretta OPENING NIGHT
June 10th 4pm Featuring Loretta, 7pm End of Civilization
June 13th 8pm Featuring Loretta
June 14th 8pm End of Civilization
June 15th 8pm Featuring Loretta
June 16th 6pm Featuring Loretta, 8pm End of Civilization
June 17th 4pm End of Civilization, 7pm Featuring Loretta
June 20th 8pm End of Civilization
June 21st 8pm Featuring Loretta
June 22nd 8pm End of Civilization
June 23rd 6pm End of Civilization, 8pm Featuring Loretta
June 24th 4pm Featuring Loretta, 7pm End of Civilization
June 27th 8pm Featuring Loretta
June 28th 8pm End of Civilization
June 29th 8pm End of Civilization (Closing Night)
June 30th 8pm Featuring Loretta (Closing Night)