Arts Community of Easton presents An Evening of Honoring the Arts, Sunday, December 6, 5 PM, at the Bank Street Annex, downtown Easton. Tickets are $25 and are available at Connexions Gallery, 213 Northampton Street in Easton, and from ACE members. Proceeds will go toward the scholarship and the ACE Awards.
Every year ACE brings together artists and the public for a gala event to celebrate the year and to recognize contributions to our vital and vibrant art community. Held at the beautiful Bank Street Annex in Easton, the ACE Arts Awards Gala honors the recipients of the annual ACE Arts scholarship, presented to promising students in the area, and recipients of the ACE awards for Artist of the Year, Patron of the Year, Volunteer of the Year, and Lifetime Achievement in the Arts. A buffet dinner will be served and a cash bar will be open, and we will have live and recorded music for your entertainment. Once again, we will hold an auction of fine art donated by our talented local artists.
ACE Awards Recipients for 2012 are:
ACE Artist of the Year: Ken Kewley
ACE Patron of the Year: Crayola
ACE Volunteer of the Year: Susan Huxley
The ACE Lifetime Achievement Award will be presented to Vivian Fishbone
Scholarships to students in fine arts and performing arts will also be awarded.
For more information on ACE visit