In 2016, playwright Kash Goins, a native of South Philadelphia and graduate of Lincoln University, produced his original drama "V to X", under his 10 year-old Philadelphia based theatre company, GoKash OnSTAGE.
This initial look at the United States justice system examined how laws are interpreted and applied towards African American men in expanding the robust for-profit prison industry. After an overwhelming response, the company is set to take the stage in their new home at Arden Theatre Company with the debut of Goins' follow up, "Seventy IV Seconds... to judgment". The new partnership, GoKash OnSTAGE in residence at the Arden, opens its first season with 'Seventy Four Seconds...' on September 6th.
When determining if a defendant is guilty of murder, U.S. jurors are instructed to consider provisions of the law that restrict conviction in situations where "heat of the moment" decisions may play a part. In July of 2016, motorist Philando Castile was shot and killed by officer, Jeronimo Yanez during a traffic stop alleged to be due to a broken taillight. Goins, and millions others were lured into the instant horror of this tragedy by Diamond Reynolds, Castile's girlfriend, who streamed the immediate aftermath of the shooting on Facebook. Evidence considered by the jury before returning a not guilty verdict included this footage and the official police video of the full seventy four second encounter between Castile and Yanez. Two questions emerged prominently for Goins after this and other similar recent national events.
What ideas do two strangers bring with them into a short encounter that could lead to a seconds' short decision to murder? What ideas do jurors bring when trying a murder that's presumably decided in an instant? Goins considers "Seventy Four Seconds... to judgment" a direct response to his need to provoke this same introspection, and ideally, healing dialogue.
The first preview show of "Seventy IV Seconds... to judgment" will be on Wednesday, September 6th at 8pm on Arden's Arcadia Stage. Arden Theatre Company is located at 40 N. 2nd St. Philadelphia, PA 19106. All remaining shows follow the following schedule: Thursday through Saturday evenings at 8pm. Sundays at 3pm, with the exception of the first Sunday show on 9/10, which is a 6pm start. The Friday, September 8th show marks the official opening.
For details on GoKash OnSTAGE, "Seventy Four Seconds... to judgment" or ticket information (ranging from $27.50 - $35.00), please visit Tickets can also be purchased from Arden's box office in person, online at, or by phone: 215-922-8900. For a limited time, early buyers are being rewarded with ticket discounts by using discount/promo code "GoKash".
About GoKash OnSTAGE in residence at the Arden Because of Goins' work as an actor in Arden's productions of "A Raisin in the Sun", and last year's "Two Trains Running", he and Arden's Artistic Director Terry Nolen have become increasingly familiar over the years. The two also worked together as Nolen directed workshops of Chekov's "Three Sisters", a 2014 Arden production. Nolen says, "I have long admired Kash's work as a playwright, director and actor. I saw GoKash's production of V to X in 2016 and was really excited by the work. Kash and I started talking about how we might work together and out of that came this idea of a residency."
Reflecting upon Arden's ambitious beginning, and Walnut Street Theatre's similar extension of support, Nolen recalled "The residency provided to us by the Walnut is one of the reasons the Arden established itself here in Philadelphia. It helped provide the visibility that allowed for us to connect with Philadelphia artists and audiences. We find it fitting to embark on this relationship with GoKash during our 30th Anniversary Season, as it is a way to honor what was done for us now 30 years ago." For Goins, the immediate sense of trust and support that's been instilled has been nothing short of incredible. Stating "I consider the Arden to be the preeminent theatre company in our region. They have been inspiring me from the beginning of my journey, initially from afar and very recently I've been blessed to learn and participate from front and center. It's a perfect marriage and one that I am grateful for."