1812 Productions has announced two special events in conjunction with its current production of Alan Zweibel's Bunny Bunny: Gilda Radner-A Sort of Romantic Comedy.
Crush: A Storytelling Benefit for Gilda's Club of Delaware Valley features a line-up of Philadelphia funny ladies telling original stories on the theme "crush." The evening will be hosted by award-winning Philadelphia storyteller Hillary Rea and will feature performances by Ms. Rea, Shannon DeVido, Cathy Simpson, Bi Jean Ngo, Anna Roisman, Juliet Hope Wayne, Emily McGraw, and Jennifer Childs. Ms. Rea says of the night's theme, "Everyone's had a crush at some point in their life. Those initial butterflies, day dreams, and interactions with a crush are always more humorous in retrospect. Even when your heart is crushed by a crush, with some distance, there is bound to be a funny story worth telling."Founded by Gene Wilder and Gilda Radner, Gilda's Club is a community organization which supports people living with cancer, their friends and families. Crush: A Storytelling Benefit for Gilda's Club of Delaware Valley will take place on Monday, October 14th at 7:30pm at Independence Studio 3 at Walnut Street Theatre. All tickets are $10 with all proceeds benefiting Gilda's Club of Delaware Valley. Tickets and information are available at 215-592-9560or at www.1812productions.org.Videos