1812 Productions holds its Annual Gala Fundraiser Eventa du Schmancy featuring The Bad Song Cabaret, hosted by Scott Greer tonight, June 10, 2013.
Philadelphia's all comedy theatre company will present its annual gala fundraiser, beginning at 6 p.m. with cocktails and hors d'oeuvres, followed by dinner from JPM Catering. At 8 p.m., The Bad Song Cabaret will begin along with a silent auction and basket raffle featuring some fantastic local and regional prizes.
An annual favorite at 1812 Productions, The Bad Song Cabaret features the worst pop songs from the past 30 years sung by some of Philadelphia's funniest performers. This year, The Bad Song Cabaret features music from Vikki Carr, Journey, Madonna, Rod Stewart, Donna Summer, and more.
Featuring performances by Aimé Kelly, Michael Doherty, Jen Childs, Liz Filios, Joe Sabatino, Langston Darby, Don Montrey & ComedySportz, with Andrew Nelson, Dave Jadico, Alex Bechtel, and Chris Hajinian.
The event is set for tonight, June 10, 2013, at the Chemical Heritage Foundation, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA. For more information, go to: www.1812productions.org.
1812 Productions is dedicated to creating theatrical works of comedy and comedic works of theater that explore and celebrate our sense of community, our history and our humanity.