This witty and wildly theatrical production brings together a talented ensemble of 18 to 25 -year-old emerging performers, and features dazzling songs like Children Will Listen, Agony and No One Is Alone. Mind the wolf, heed the witch and honour the giant in the sky at this extraordinary musical about the power of wishes and what really happens after they come true.
Year | Category | |
1988 | Best Musical | |
2002 | Best Revival of a Musical | Winner |
Wicked - Auslan Interpreted Performance
Crown Theatre Perth (1/30 - 1/30) | ||
Elixir Revived
The Aurora Spiegeltent at The Pleasure Garden (2/1 - 2/16) | ||
The Lord of the Rings - A Musical Tale
Crown Theatre Perth (3/19 - 4/4) | ||
Sister Act
Crown Theatre Perth (4/26 - 5/25) | ||
Jesus Christ Superstar
Crown Theatre Perth (2/13 - 3/8) | ||
Crème de la crème Cabaret
The Ice Cream Factory (1/17 - 2/14) | ||
Piaf! The Show
Crown Theatre Perth (5/29 - 5/29) | ||
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