Set in 1985 New York City, this ground-breaking drama follows Prior Walter, a young gay man diagnosed with AIDS and abandoned by his lover. Desperate and alone, he is visited in a dream by an angel that brands him a prophet and tasks him with saving humanity from themselves.
As if this wasn’t a big enough burden, Walter must navigate a mine?eld of the fantastic and the mundane, including Morman's, a communist hating homophobic lawyer and a drug-addicted housewife, as well as his own feelings of abandonment and disenchantment.
Beloved by fans and critics alike, this modern masterpiece has won every award worth winning in theatre, including the Tony Award for Best Play, twice, and the Pulitzer Prize for Drama.
Ages: Adult themes, coarse language and simulated sex
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The Astor Theatre (2/5 - 2/5)
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