Review: AND THEN THERE WERE NONE at Everyman Theatre
by Tina Collins
- Jan 6, 2025
The Everyman Theatre in Baltimore has brought Agatha Christie’s And Then There Were None to life in a gripping production with clever staging and engaging performances. Directed by Noah Himmelstein, the play stays true to Christie’s masterful storytelling, blending suspense with moments of humor and intrigue.
Review: AND THEN THERE WERE NONE at Everyman Theatre
by Timoth David Copney
- Dec 10, 2024
Agatha Christie has long been a fixture in our house for her fascinating and endlessly entertaining mysteries. She has transfixed reading and viewing audiences for decades, and her work has been presented in everything from books and plays to TV and movies, and it has inspired countless imitations.
Video: First Look At A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM at Everyman Theatre
by Joshua Wright
- May 29, 2024
Get a first look at Everyman Theatre's production of William Shakespeare's beloved comedy, A Midsummer Night's Dream, with a dynamic ensemble cast of 12 seasoned actors who are no strangers to Shakespeare. Check out the all-new video!
Handsome Production, Tedious Script: THE LION IN WINTER at Everyman Theatre
by Jack L. B. Gohn
- Oct 31, 2022
You not only have to have the talent to do the technical side of costume drama well, and have actors who can emote convincingly and then (in this case) reverse gears convincingly, and then reverse gears again as many times as the script calls for. You need a script that doesn’t make them do it so often it makes the audience stop following and stop caring. That is a bar this script doesn't clear.
Kate Hamill's SENSE AND SENSIBILITY Announced at Everyman Theatre
by A.A. Cristi
- Mar 9, 2022
Follow the fortunes (and misfortunes) of the Dashwood sisters, sensible Elinor and hypersensitive Marianne, as Everyman Theatre continues its live, in-person 2021/2022 season with Jane Austen's, Sense and Sensibility, a play adapted by playwright and actor Kate Hamill. The production at Everyman Theatre is directed by Susanna Gellert and runs from April 5 through May 1, 2022. At-home streaming is also available through May 13.
Felicia Curry and Helen Hedman Named To Resident Company Of Artists Roster At Everyman
by Stephi Wild
- Jul 23, 2020
Everyman Theatre's Founding Artistic Director Vincent M. Lancisi is thrilled to announce that actors Felicia Curry and Helen Hedman have joined the organization as members of the Everyman Theatre Resident Company of Artists. Everyman Theatre is one of only a handful of Regional Theatres that has a resident company of professional artists as part of its mission.
by A.A. Cristi
- Dec 13, 2019
Everyman Theatre is pleased to announce the extended run of Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express, currently on stage. will be adding seven shows. Adapted by noted playwright Ken Ludwig, the Everyman production, directed by Founding Artistic Director Vincent M. Lancisi, the show is delighting Everyman audiences and is already 95% sold out during the regular run.
MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS Comes to the Everyman Theatre
by Stephi Wild
- Nov 14, 2019
Everyman Theatre continues its 2019/2020 season with Agatha Christie's famous whodunita?"the literary, cinematic, and now theatrical classic, Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express. Everyman's production, directed by Founding Artistic Director Vincent M. Lancisi and adapted by noted playwright Ken Ludwig (Lend Me A Tenor, Crazy For You), runs December 3, 2019, through January 5, 2020.
Agatha Christie's Beloved Murder Mystery Up Next At Everyman Theatre
by A.A. Cristi
- Nov 12, 2019
Everyman Theatre continues its 2019/2020 season with Agatha Christie's famous whodunita?"the literary, cinematic, and now theatrical classic, Murder on the Orient Express. Everyman's production, directed by Founding Artistic Director Vincent M. Lancisi and adapted by noted playwright Ken Ludwig (Lend Me A Tenor, Crazy For You), runs December 3, 2019, through January 5, 2020.
Everyman Announces Upcoming Salon Series
by Stephi Wild
- Sep 7, 2019
2019 marks the fifth year of Everyman Theatre's innovative and exciting Salon Series. These play parties showcase emerging female playwrights and are directed by women from Everyman's Resident Company over select Monday nights this fall.