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Jesse Kissel

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Front Row (Left to Right):
Cassey Kivnick, Rita Moreno, Baayork Lee, Tara Young

Back Row (Left to Right):
Evan Rogers, Carlton Carrington, Ambrose Davis, Jesse Kissel, Zach Blane, Alex Green, Brendan Warner, Barry Benowitz

Front Row (Left to Right): Cassey Kivnick, Rita Moreno, Baayork Lee, Tara Young Back Row (Left to Right): Evan Rogers, Carlton Carrington, Ambrose Davis, Jesse Kissel, Zach Blane, Alex Green, Brendan Warner, Barry Benowitz Photo

From: ALL EYES ON BAAYORK LEE: Richard Jay-Alexander Talks to the Award-Winning Legend About This Sunday's WICKED In Concert on PBS and Her Extraordinary Career

This Sunday finds the diminutive talent wearing yet another new hat, as Director for Sunday night’s airing of WICKED In Concert, celebrating the score of the iconic, long-running musical,

Date Taken: 2021-08-26 12:15:35

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