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Lauren Fijol

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Julie Boardman, Mara Davi, Erin West, Lauren Fijol, Dan Brown, Amy Halldin, Aaron Jodoin, Leslie Diamond, Jenny Neal, Jenna Fernandez, Laurie Hymes, Jennifer Bigl at

Julie Boardman, Mara Davi, Erin West, Lauren Fijol, Dan Brown, Amy Halldin, Aaron Jodoin, Leslie Diamond, Jenny Neal, Jenna Fernandez, Laurie Hymes, Jennifer Bigl Photo

From: Photo Flash: Mara Davi, Taylor Frey and More Teach PS 221 Students in Brooklyn

25 Broadway performers crossed the Brooklyn Bridge and traveled deep into Crown Heights on Saturday, April 13 to teach 3rd, 4th, 5th graders and 6th graders at PS 221 how to sing, dance & act. The event was for an inspiring, new partnership between Boardman Productions and Seeds in the Middle, a 501c3 charity empowering students and schools in the obesity epidemic to get all the resources they need to get healthy. Scroll down for photos from the event!

Date Taken: 2013-04-30 20:41:12

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