Billy Stritch Photo
Photo Coverage: 92Y Lyrics & Lyricists Presents NEW YORK: SONGS OF THE CITY
There are eight million stories in the Naked City-and a song to go with each of them. For decades, songwriters - from Porter, Rodgers & Hart and Ellington to Bernstein and Billy Joel have been fueled by this city's places, promises and roller coaster existence. With Lyrics & Lyricists production of New York: Songs of the City, artistic director Deborah Grace Winer had the ultimate show for New Yorkers-or anyone who's ever wanted to be one. Vocalists Klea Blackhurst, Darius de Haas, La Tanya Hall, Leslie Kritzer, Jeffrey Schecter, and pianist/vocalist Billy Stritch-brought the sounds of the city to life on March 21, 22 and 23.