Gena Loe plays Hannah; K. Doug Miller plays Wooster; Alyssa Cavazos plays Louise; Karl Schaeffer plays Bouncer; Blake Seabourn (kneeling) plays Rowdy 2; Deborah Brown plays Jenny; Max Swarner plays Rowdy 3 Photo
Photo Flash: THE ISLAND OF THE SKOG At Dallas Children's Theater
The best laid plans of mice and well, Skog, are upended in a lively musical adventure that navigates land and sea in THE ISLAND OF THE SKOG. In this stage adaptation of the book by the same name, iconic illustrations from beloved children's author Steven Kellogg's come vibrantly to life onstage as Jenny, Bouncer, and the Rowdies journey in search of a calm new home, but instead find bigger obstacles than they ever imagined. THE ISLAND OF THE SKOG runs at Dallas Children's Theater (DCT) from May 3 - 25, 2019.