Laura Sagolla pledging her ''scout''s honor'' to Tom Lehrer’s Boy Scouts-inspired ditty ''Be Prepared'' Photo
Photo Flash: In Rehearsal with The Penny Seats' TOMFOOLERY
The Penny Seats return to the stage this October with the musical revue Tomfoolery, celebrating the words and music of satirist, mathematician, and cult favorite, Tom Lehrer. The production also includes an opening short-a 5-minute mini-musical called Volcanoes!!-composed by Ann Arbor's Zach London, who cites Lehrer as an early inspiration. The show will run on Thursdays, October 2, 9, 16 and 23, at Conor O'Neill's Irish Pub and Restaurant, 318 South Main Street, Ann Arbor. BroadwayWorld has a sneak peek at the cast in rehearsal below!