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John Gromada

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Lindsay Jones, Deanne Choi and John Gromada at

Lindsay Jones, Deanne Choi and John Gromada Photo

From: Photo Flash: The Collaborator Party 2017 Celebrates Sound Designers on Tony Night

Today, The Collaborator Party, headed by theatrical sound designers Lindsay Jones and John Gromada, announced that their event was a complete sell-out for the third year in a row. The Collaborator Party is the official Tony night party for the theatre sound community and all of their collaborators. The main party was held June 11, 2016 at Houston Hall (222 W. Houston St. in New York City) from 7pm-11pm, with an additional party held simultaneously in Los Angeles. Scroll down for photos!

Date Taken: 2017-06-14 13:18:30

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