Daniel Abeles, Laura Ramadei, Stephen Brackett, Lucas Kavner & Nate Miller Photo Credit: Samantha Hill Photo
Photo Flash: Opening Night of Lucas Kavner's CARNIVAL KIDS, Presented by Lesser America
The World Premiere of Lucas Kavner's (Fish Eye with Colt Coeur/HERE Arts Center; Love Money at Ars Nova) Carnival Kids, directed by Stephen Brackett and presented by Lesser America, opened at the TBG Theatre (312 West 36th Street between 8th and 9th Avenue) on Monday, June 9th. The production, which has already received a New York Times Critics Pick, will run through Saturday, June 28th. Tickets ($18; $15 students) may be purchased online at www.lesseramerica.com.box-office or by calling 212-868-4444.