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Justine Icy Moral

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Peter (Christopher Wilson), Susan (Kate Guesman), Lucy (Justine Moral), and Edmund (Rafael Cuesta) with Aslan (puppeteers Michael John Casey, Betsy Rosen, Tracy Ramsay). at

Peter (Christopher Wilson), Susan (Kate Guesman), Lucy (Justine Moral), and Edmund (Rafael Cuesta) with Aslan (puppeteers Michael John Casey, Betsy Rosen, Tracy Ramsay). Photo

From: Photo Flash: THE LION, THE WITCH & THE WARDROBE at Imagination Stage

Imagination Stage, in a collaboration with The Washington Ballet, presents its world premiere summer production, THE LION, THE WITCH & THE WARDROBE. In this fusion of theater, dance, and puppetry, based on the novel by C.S. Lewis, the roles of the four children are played jointly by an actor and a dancer, and the courageous lion Aslan is portrayed by a life-size puppet operated by three actor/puppeteers, similar to the puppets used in the Broadway production War Horse. Check out the latest photos from the production below!

Date Taken: 2012-06-24 19:58:32

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