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Marion Arthur Kirby

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Actors Marion Arthur Kirby and Patty Tuel Bailey play married lovers Albert and Rhonda Bartlett in A. D. Players' O Little Town of Bagels, Teacakes and Hamburger Buns playing through December 23.  at

Actors Marion Arthur Kirby and Patty Tuel Bailey play married lovers Albert and Rhonda Bartlett in A. D. Players' O Little Town of Bagels, Teacakes and Hamburger Buns playing through December 23. Photo

From: Photo Flash: A.D. Players Show 'O LITTLE TOWN OF BAGELS...' Takes Final Bow at the Grace Theater

A.D. Players, one of Houston's oldest and largest resident theater companies, is performing its final play, O Little Town of Bagels, Teacakes and Hamburger Buns, at its current home at Grace Theater before moving to a new, $18 million facility in early 2017. Bagels was written by A. D. Players' founder and artistic director Jeannette Clift George in 1984, and has been performed multiple times based on popular demand. Scroll down for photos!

Date Taken: 2016-12-02 17:53:14

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