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Demosthenes Chrysan Headshot

Demosthenes Chrysan

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Yusef (Demosthenes Chrysan, on top) and his enterprising young nephew Tariq (Bhavesh Patel, on the ground) fight over a difference of opinion while being held in prison. at

Yusef (Demosthenes Chrysan, on top) and his enterprising young nephew Tariq (Bhavesh Patel, on the ground) fight over a difference of opinion while being held in prison. Photo

From: Photo Flash: TENNIS IN NABLUS Plays the Alliance Thru 2/21

Palestine. 1939. A dying revolution. An Arab family trapped: divided between rebellion and hope for a stable future. True events inspire this compelling story about Arab revolt against British occupation as two nations fight for their stake to land during a period of momentous global change. Emerging playwright Ismail Khalidi lends a bold, contemporary voice to the Israeli/Palestinian history in Tennis in Nablus, the sixth winner of the nationally recognized Kendeda Graduate Playwriting Competition. Off-beat humor abounds in this 'tragipoliticomedy' about allegiance, struggle and crisis, where events and people are not what they seem. Sacramento Theatre Company Artistic Director Peggy Shannon directs this new work on the intimate Hertz Stage at the Alliance Theatre. Opening Night is Wed, Feb. 3, at 8 p.m.

Date Taken: 2010-02-11 14:32:28

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