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Jennifer Leigh Warren

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Zilah Mendoza, Joanne Nguyen, Meredith Baxter, Jennifer Leigh Warren and Ulka Simone Mohanty  at

Zilah Mendoza, Joanne Nguyen, Meredith Baxter, Jennifer Leigh Warren and Ulka Simone Mohanty Photo

From: Photo Flash: First Look at WOMEN BEYOND BORDERS

Rubicon Theatre continues the company's 21st "Coming of Age" season with the World Premiere of WOMEN BEYOND BORDERS, a play inspired by and loosely based on the remarkable journey of Lorraine Serena and a dynamic group of California-based artists who founded the non-profit Women Beyond Borders (WBB). Determined to "make art as if the world matters," Serena and her friends fell upon the idea of box as metaphor: hope chest, treasure chest, womb, coffin, etc. They replicated a miniature wooden box no bigger than the size of a human heart and sent the boxes to curators and friends in other countries with the goal of encouraging dialogue, collaboration and community among women and honoring creativity. The founders of WBB were astonished at what came back to them - eloquent expressions of the enormous depth and variety, but also the universality, of women's experiences throughout the world. The boxes were accompanied by equally astonishing artists' statements, in the form of letters, poems and stories asking about transcending barriers: geographical, social, racial, economic, emotional, gender-related, spiritual, etc.

Date Taken: 2019-04-27 17:12:31

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