| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Alisa Klein
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Amanda Watkins
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Ana Maria Andricain
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Andrea Burns
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Angela Piccinni
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Ann Arvia
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Ann Sanders
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Anna McNeely
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Barbara Folts
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Barbara Marineau
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Beth McVey
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Bill Nabel
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Billy Sprague, Jr.
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Brek Williams
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Brian Collier
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Brian O'Brien
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Brynn O'Malley
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Christophe Caballero
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Christopher Deangelis
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Christopher Monteleone
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Connor Gallagher
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Cory Boyas
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Daria Lynn Scatton
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
David A. Wood
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
David E. Liddell
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Denny Paschall
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Elisa Van Duyne
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Elizabeth Polito
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Ellen Hoffman
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Elmore James
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Erin Stoddard
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Garrett Miller
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Gina Carlette
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Glenn Rainey
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Gordon Stanley
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Graham Rowat
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Gregory Garrison
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Harrison Beal
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Jack Hayes
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
James Tabeek
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Jennifer Hampton
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Jennifer Marcum
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Jennifer Shrader
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Jerry Godfrey
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Jill Hayman
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Joan Barber
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Joanne McHugh
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
John Salvatore
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Joseph Savant
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Karl Christian
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Karl duHoffmann
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Kate Dowe
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Kate Dowe
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Keith Fortner
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Ken McMullen
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Kevin Berdini
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Kevin M. Burrows
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Lauren Goler-Kosarin
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Leigh-Anne Wencker
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Linda Talcott
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Lisa Mayer
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Marguerite Shannon
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Marguerite Willbanks
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Matthew Shepard
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Merwin Foard
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Michael Donald
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Michael Lang
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Michael-Demby Cain
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Michelle Mallardi
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Paige Price
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Pam Klinger
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Rachel Ulanet
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Raymond Sage
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Rob Lorey
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Rob Sutton
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Robert Fowler
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Robin Lewis
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Rod Roberts
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Roxane Barlow
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Sally Mae Dunn
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Sarah E. Litzsinger
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Sarah Solie Shannon
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Skip Harris
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Stacee Raber
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Stacia Fernandez
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Stephanie Lynge
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Steve Konopelski
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Steven Sofia
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Steven Ted Beckler
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Teri Furr
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Tia Marie Zorne
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Tom Pardoe
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Tracey Generalovich
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Vince Pesce
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Wendy Oliver
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
William Michals
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |
Wysandria Woolsey
| Broadway Beauty and the Beast | 1994 |