BWW Review: THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME/DORIAN GRAY at Budapest Operetta Theatre
by Gabor Szilagyi - Apr 18, 2018
Budapest Operetta Theatre is one of the most important venues in Budapest when it comes to musical theatre. Its huge repertoire ranges from classic operetta (The Merry Widow or The Riviera Girl aka Die Csardasfurstin) to modern musicals (mostly Sylvester Levay pop-musicals along with some classical show tunes). Two of the brand-new musical productions from the theatre deals with the ever-lasting questions of good and bad, or to rephrase it, which is the more important, the outer appearance or the inner good?
Photo Flash: BEAUTY AND THE BEAST Opens in Munich
by Nicole Rosky - Oct 28, 2011
Beauty and the Beast will soon open at Circus theater of the German Theater. The Budapest opera a musical theater group is performing the Disney musical until 19 November in Munich. Check out photos from the production below!