Einhorn Prize Reading Announced At Triad Theater, December 11
by A.A. Cristi - Dec 8, 2022
On Sunday December 11 at 2pm, there will be a presentation of the winners of the first David A. Einhorn Playwriting Prize The event will be held at the Triad Theater, 158 W. 72nd Street. The event will run 90 minutes and include readings of the 1st and 2nd prize winners, some words about David Einhorn, and a talkback on the topics addressed by the plays.
Audio Drama THE IRON HEEL to be Released in May
by Chloe Rabinowitz - Apr 23, 2021
Untitled Theater Company No. 61 will be releasing its newest audio drama podcast, The Iron Heel, adapted by Edward Einhorn from the 1908 dystopian novel by Jack London, which he described as “socialist propaganda.”
TRU Announces Casting For Upcoming Virtual Readings
by A.A. Cristi - Jun 12, 2020
Theater Resources Unlimited (TRU) announces the casting for the first virtual presentation of its 2020 TRU Voices New Plays Reading Series, presented with generous support from The Storyline Project.
Untitled Theater Company No. 61 Presents World Premiere of DOCTORS JANE AND ALEXANDER
by Chloe Rabinowitz - Dec 12, 2019
Untitled Theater Company No. 61 (UTC61) presents a new play by Edward Einhorn about his grandfather, Alexander S. Wiener, who discovered the Rh Factor in Blood. Told through the lens of interviews with his mother, Jane Einhorn, a PhD psychologist and visual artist who had recently experienced a stroke at the time of the interviews. The play uses a mixture of verbatim/found text and invented dialogue to examine Wiener's legacy, both scientific and familial. How does it change your life to have a world famous father...or grandfather? How does that legacy continue through the generations?
BWW Interview: Edward Einhorn on PERFORMANCE FOR ONE at Chashama
by Amy Oestreicher - Sep 4, 2019
Performance for One is a one-on-one performance event written and directed by Edward Einhorn, presented in 10 minute slots at venues across Manhattan. The performance is about memory, but even more so, it is about relationship between performer, audience member, and author. BWW sits down with Einhorn to learn about his 'Theater of Ideas.'
Untitled Theater Company No. 61 Presents PERFORMANCE FOR ONE
by A.A. Cristi - Aug 19, 2019
presents Performance for One. A one-on-one performance experience, traveling across Manhattan. Written and directed by Edward Einhorn. Originally developed with Yvonne Roen. Tickets FREE. Visit www.untitledtheater.com to RSVP. September 6 – November 3.
Untitled Theatre Company Presents THE NEUROLOGY OF THE SOUL
by A.A. Cristi - Jan 10, 2019
Untitled Theater Company No. 61 (UTC61) presents a new play by Edward Einhorn examining the nexus between neuroscience, marketing, art, and love. Set at a neuromarketing firm, it follows a neuroscientist who is trying to scientifically define love; his wife, an artist who is using her brain scans as the basis of video self-portraits; a marketer who is trying to apply the science of love to advertising; and a gallery owner who deals with art as a commodity. This multimedia production continues UTC61's ongoing interest in combining theater with the fields of economics and neuroscience.
Dick Brukenfeld's BLIND ANGELS to Run 2/6-3/2 at Theater for the New City
by Tyler Peterson - Jan 7, 2014
'Blind Angels' by Dick Brukenfeld is a nail-biting drama in which a news reporter (inspired by Daniel Pearl) is taken prisoner by a group of cosmopolitan, integrated, successful, secular Muslims who are embarking on a terrorist attack. The twist is, he has long relationships with two of his three 'hosts'--one is his ex-fiancee and the other was his college roommate. They are playing an endgame scenario that dwarfs what any small fry terrorist has tried before and they need him to tell their story. Theater for the New City, 155 First Ave., will present the play's world premiere run February 6 to March 2, directed by Melissa Attebery.