Renowned actresses Amy Irving and Sian Phillips are appearing as the beautiful Desiree Armfeldt and Madame Armfeldt, her mother, with acclaimed baritone Ron Raines as Desiree's former lover, in Opera Theatre's new production of A Little Night Music directed and designed by Isaac Mizrahi.
the cell theatre company in collaboration with THE CENTER FOR CONTEMPORARY OPERA, two resident companies of the the cell performance salon will present the new full-length opera, 'DINNER AND DELUSION,' with music by MICHAEL SAHL, libretto by NANCY MANOCHERIAN and directed by KIRA SIMRING.
the cell theatre company in collaboration with THE CENTER FOR CONTEMPORARY OPERA, two resident companies of the the cell performance salon will present the new full-length opera, 'DINNER AND DELUSION,' with music by MICHAEL SAHL, libretto by NANCY MANOCHERIAN and directed by KIRA SIMRING.