Review: ELISABETH IN CONCERT at Schönbrunn Palace
by Martin Ganeider - Jul 1, 2022
What did our critic think of ELISABETH IN CONCERT at SCHÖNBRUNN PALACE? After the massive success in 2019, ELISABETH, the Musical about Austria's famous empress, is back at Schönbrunn Palace for a three-night-only run. You might never witness a concert in such a unique location perfect for one if not the most successful Austrian musical, written by Michael Kunze (book and lyrics) and Silvester Levay (music). The concert feels like a celebration of the show's unbroken success. Since opening night in 1992, ELISABETH has become a global phenomenon. More than twelve million people have seen the story about Elisabeth's tragic life and death. A Musical National treasure, history Made In Austria.
BWW Preview: Austrian Productions to Look Forward in 2022
by Martin Ganeider - Jan 19, 2022
Heading into the 2022 theatre season, Austria has a wealth of productions that deserve your attention. In this feature, I break down some of the shows that I will definitely be getting tickets to see. From Saigon to Rydell High, a ton of shows to choose from, so go out there and get your tickets before they're gone!
by Martin Ganeider - Oct 30, 2020
A splendid Gala in uncertain times like these, a rare gift. Wolfgang Ebner, the new owner of the culinary Variety Theater and Event Location, formally known as DAS VINDOBONA! The house in Vienna´s 20th District has been a part of Austria's entertainment and cabaret scene since the early '90s. From 2009 the owners of the famous Kabarett Simpl owned the Vindobona for some of their productions. Earlier this year, Wolfgang Ebner made the tough decision to buy the house, refurbish it and transform it into a top-class entertainment and dinner location. The Vindobona is like New York´s Don't Tell Mama, a bar, a restaurant, and a cabaret-like theatre. Ebner is exactly what the theater needs these days. A small chance of success, uncertain times ahead, many would say no and step away from a project like this but not Ebner. Crazy and brave enough to open the house with a varicolored program on the menu. From Dinner shows to Concerts, to Burlesque and Drag shows, magic nights, and many more, something for everyone's taste. Opening Nights are always special, the air is filled with a magical atmosphere, expectations are on a high amount. Since the Big C hit our world and took the theatre from us for quite a long time, we are even more thankful for some live entertainment. Back in the auditorium is like walking into the room at Christmas and facing the illuminated Christmas tree for the very first time. It's theatre, a live performance but of course with some restrictions.
by Martin Ganeider - Mar 27, 2019
Earlier today, Christian Struppeck announced his cast for the Open Air Concert of ELISABETH, the one Event you better not miss this summer. On july 5th and 6th, the famous historical setting provides a unique and dignified backdrop for the concert version of the musical, which tells the dramatic and moving story of the life, loves and tribulations of Empress Elisabeth of Austria
Photo Coverage: ELISABETH feiert Gala-Premiere im Wiener Raimund Theater
by Marcel Konrath - Sep 17, 2012
ELISABETH, das erfolgreichste deutschsprachige Musical aller Zeiten, das am 3. September 1992 seine Welturaufführung im Theater an der Wien feierte, kehrt zwanzig Jahre danach nach Wien zurück und erlebte am 5. September 2012 im RAIMUND THEATER seine Jubiläumspremiere.
BWW Interviews: Maya Hakvoort
by Marcel Konrath - Mar 15, 2012
Sie ist nicht nicht nur eine der schönsten Exporte aus den Niederlanden sondern auch eine der talentiertesten: Maya Hakvoort. Trotz eines vollen Terminkalenders nahm sich die bezaubernde Musicaldarstellerin Zeit für ein Interview mit